Saturday, April 17, 2010

Thing are startin to roll...

I had my frist meeting with the counselor from the agency that I chose. It was a really good meeting. It was nice that she wasn't pressuring at all we just kind of sat there and talked like old friends. She gave me a lot of really great incite about adoption and how much it could benefit me and my children. We are going to start meeting with some couples. I have three that I really like so I believe once I meet the right couple I will know that adoption is for me.

on to the pregnancy part of this ordeal...

I have starting having contractions. They are not really bad just uncomfortable and a little painful. Mind you I am only like 21 weeks along so now is NOT the time to be having contractions!! I went to the doctor and she wasn't in yesterday so I had to see her nurse practitioner. All she did was labs to make sure I don't have an infection and ordered me to bedrest. If the labs come back normal I have to wait until the 27th to see my doctor!! That is a lot of time to be uncomfortable and having contractions that shouldn't be there. Oh well, I guess we will just wait...

Friday, April 9, 2010

Back in the Swing of things!

So it has been awhile but I have just been taking a break from everything and taking a step back to look everything over from a broader perspective.

I went to the doctor this past Wednesday and found out we are having yet another girl! What luck right?!

I still talk to the Bradley's they have been there to support me and help me through so many things. They understand why we decided to dig a little deeper and see if there is someone out there that better fits us. I have been talking to a counselor through an adoption agency and she has sent me a lot of bios of familes. A few of stuck out but I still havn't taken that big step of meeting any of them. The Bradleys actually suggested a friend of theirs that is looking to adopt. I was on my agency's website when I saw them as featured familes. We have just begun e-mailing eachother and I am looking forward to getting to know them, they even want to meet soon! Which is a little scary but exciting all at the same time. I also e-mailed my counselor through the agency and let her know that I was interested in them and was lead to them through their friend and the family I had previously chosen. Hopefully she can give me a little inside scoop on if she thinks we would be a good match!

Well that's all for now I will try to keep this updated with how this works out!