Friday, March 26, 2010

I'm back...

So I havn't been on here in a while.. I've just been having a hard time with everything lately. We heard from the family that they are planning on moving back to AZ. Me and Dontay discussed it and we would really rather have a family that lives closer so that visits are a little easier. They are still on our list but we are just looking around and reading more profiles and talking to agencies to see if we can't find a family that better suites us.

Dontay brought up the other night that he no longer wants an open adoption. He said he just wants to wipe his hands clean of it after it's dont and not think about it. I'm still going to go with an open adoption and leave the option up to him as to when and if he wants to be in the child's life. Before he was so worried about the child being upset with us for giving it up for a adoption and that it would feel detached and all this other stuff. I think those feelings would be even stronger if we gave it away and wanted nothing else to do with it. At least if we are in it's life it will know that we gave it to a family out of love and that we still care for it, we were just unable to do what needed to be done at the time. He does want to be apart of picking the family though which is good. He wants to make sure that it is in a good home and will be well taken care of. That makes me really happy that I don't have to do that alone. I'm glad he has come around on considering adoption with me!